
Change is the order of the day

Change is the order of the day

Did Government policy change citizens’ practices, or was it the other way around? Here are some of my observations:

When I was in school, one of my daily routines was to bring home a milk bottle or cover in the mornings. My mom would do the same in the afternoon. Back then, Aavin delivered milk twice a day. Years later, I realized that Aavin now delivers milk packets only once in the morning and a maid bring them early.

I wondered why Aavin switched from delivering twice a day to just once. In the past, 99% of people didn't have refrigerators, but now almost everyone does. This isn't the only reason. Milk is now available 24 hours a day, unlike before. Changes in people's habits and the government's distribution strategy reduced the delivery times. People adopted new technology, and the government adapted its delivery strategy.

Liberalization in almost all fields has increased competition, especially in areas that were once government monopolies, like milk supply, postal services, public transport, and communication. Government enterprises now compete with private companies in terms of quality, timely delivery, price, and service. This competition is to retain customers and increase market share.


By CA L.Muralidharan and CPA L.Mukundan

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