
Karma Theory

Karma Theory

Karma theory isn't limited to just one religion; it's a universal concept. It's all about cause and effect, but often people associate it with religion, which can lead to misunderstanding and dislike of this beautiful idea. The basic principle is simple: if you do something, it will have a result.

Think about how parents and elders advise us to study hard to get good grades. Studying is the cause, and good grades are the effect. Similarly, without a fire, there is no smoke. Fire is the cause, and smoke is the effect. It's clear that effects follow causes.

Good deeds should lead to good outcomes. There's always a connection between our efforts and the results. If our actions are driven by personal goals, then we accumulate Punya (good deeds) for positive actions and Pabham (bad deeds) for negative actions. These results can appear unexpectedly at different times because of Maya, the illusion that makes us unaware of our past actions' consequences.

How does Karma theory relate to today's world? Take taxes, for example. If the tax department doesn't consider a taxpayer's income and expenses correctly, it can lead to either overpayment or underpayment. Overpayment is like a Deferred Tax Asset, while underpayment, requiring future payment, is like a Deferred Tax Liability. This shows that the cause (incorrect consideration of income/expenses) leads to an effect (overpayment or underpayment), just as Karma theory suggests.


By CA L.Muralidharan and CPA L.Mukundan

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